Tag Archives: matchmakers


How To Find A Good Matchmaker Or Dating Agency In Singapore?

Here are some tips to help you find an effective matchmaking or dating agency in Singapore

As a busy professional in Singapore, you probably have come to the realization that going to a local Singapore dating agency or matchmaker is the easiest and smartest way to find love.

However, because not every matchmaker is equally good, some people have the impression that dating agencies do not work. Actually they do – it is just that you need to join the right agency.

Here is some advice on how you can find the right dating agency for yourself to find love!

Find out what your requirements are

Some people want a speed dating agency. Others want to join dating events. Others just want to get match made. You cannot expect to find your right solution if you follow what others do. Everyone wants something different.

However, if you are asking what has the highest probability of success, it will be specialized matchmaker services. It also happens to cost the most.

Speed dating has lowest probability of success, but also costs the least.

Depends on whether you value time, money or results the most. If you are going for results, go for a Singapore dating agency which specializes in matchmaking, not dating events!

Find a dating agency which focuses on finding you the right match – quality over quantity

While it may feel good to engage a matchmaker who gets you on 24 dates in a year, versus one which only gets you on 4 to 6, the more important question you should ask is the quality of those dates.

Most people do not go to matchmakers and dating agencies in Singapore for short term relationships, no string attached relationships or whatnot. They go there for the eventual purpose of marriage. Whether that happens or not depends on other factors. However we can say that virtually everyone wants a long term relationship if they are looking for matchmaking services.

You want to find the right match. Find a dating agency which focuses on helping you find right matches, not one that gives you the most ‘dates for your buck’. Use common sense!

Do not be necessarily lured by large databases

Judge the quality of a matchmaking and dating agency in Singapore by their matches, not their database. If they took on in everyone into their database, it makes them sound impressive… to the media. Not to you! You just want to find the right person.

Imagine yourself now, seemingly being unable to find the right person despite there being over 1.5 to 2 million people of the opposite gender in Singapore of suitable age for you. That is similar to the feeling you get if you join the wrong dating agency with tons of people in their database but with horrible match rates. Once again, use common sense.