Tag Archives: sugar dating

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Social Escort, Sugar Dating, Tinder – What’s The Difference?

For those who have tried mobile dating applications or websites in Singapore, you will probably quickly realize how hard it is to even get one decent looking girl to swipe right to you. Those who swipe right to you are probably 50kg overweight, have zero dress sense or are just gross. On the other hand, the beautiful models seem to elude you.

Have you ever felt like that before? If so, worry NOT. This is NORMAL for all men in Singapore or any other part of the world. This is simply due to the way these applications function.

For those who are not experienced, you may think that all dating websites or platforms or applications are the same. However, if you had tried using them at least once or twice before, you will realize that they are worlds apart.

For the uninitiated, here is the biggest difference between them – the power distribution. In Tinder and similar applications, the men have very little choice and power, while the women have a lot. Dating applications such as Tinder and Okcupid is basically just an ego boosting platform for women. Don’t believe me? Try putting up a fake account on such a site with an ‘average’ looking woman. See your inbox get flooded instantly! But as a man, even if your profile is quite solid, you will get few replies.

On the other hand, sugar dating websites and escort websites, it is usually the other way around.

Let me elaborate more for you to understand.

Tinder/Paktor/OkCupid – women’s ego boosting playground, men’s darkest nightmare

Let us first talk about something that most people here are familiar with – Tinder. In Singapore, there are also other popular dating mobile applications such as Paktor and OkCupid. The reason for the power difference in such dating applications is simply because of the very way men and women operate. Men look for beauty in women, while women look for financial security and protection from men. But when you open an app such as Tinder, what happens? You only can put up one main photo, and only a few lines of description. All such dating applications are photo centric at its core and because few women look at a man’s ‘beauty’ upfront, it is only natural that such dating applications are the perfect playground for women, and not men. Women have all the power and choices, while men usually feel like they are picking up any crumbs they can find.

However, even among them three mentioned, they are not made equal. If you want to stand a better chance at getting girls on the applications, even as an average looking man in Singapore, go for OkCupid. It is the only application among the three which places a heavier emphasis on a person’s character and thoughts rather than just photos – as a man, that is where you should excel in because women care about that!

Sugar dating websites – where power is given back to the men

Now let us talk about sugar dating websites. Among the more famous sugar dating websites operating in Singapore are SeekingĀ (formerly known as Seeking Arrangement), and Sugarbook.

Basically, sugar dating websites allows men to dictate terms of the relationship with a beautiful woman, while women are able to potentially enjoy financial benefits by these often successful men on the sites.

So why do men have more power on these sites than the ‘general’ dating sites such as Tinder? This is because of two main reasons.

First of all, there are way more women in Singapore (or any city areas) who want financially successful and stable guys than there are men wanting beautiful women. This ratio skew automatically puts power back into the hands of men.

Second of all, usually the women who join such sugar dating websites want the money from the men much more than the companionship the men want from the women. Therefore, the men usually dictate the terms of the relationship. In a way, such dating applications attract very ‘traditional-thinking’ people. Women who are submissive personality wise and men who are dominant personality wise tend to use such platforms, and this gives a lot of power to the men.

Both websites are pretty good so far, though Seeking had a longer history in Singapore. I recommend that you check out both of them for the best experience.

Social escort services – similar to sugar dating but with no strings attached all the time

Social escort services are actually highly similar to that of sugar dating experiences with one major difference – it is always no strings attached and discreet. That is one of the reasons why men in Singapore date social escorts from agencies such as SG VIP Escort. When it comes to sugar babies, a small number of them are actually on the platform looking for a long term marriage partner – just that he will be rich. Nonetheless, there is still such a percentage. However, if you are looking for a no-fuss short term relationship, then sugar dating may not be ideal. This is because there is always a minimal form of time and effort commitment – most sugar babies want a monthly allowance in exchange for their companionship. However, escorts are a one time thing. You pay them once, you meet them once. End of story, no strings attached. That is the biggest difference.